Sound Signals
This is an informal summary of the signals which are defined in The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, Part D, Rule 32, with our comments in itialics. These signals are delivered by means of a ‘short blast’ (one seconds duration) on the ships whistle or hooter. Here they are…
1 blast “Vessel altering course to starboard”
2 blasts “Vessel altering course to port.”
These could mean that the vessel is making a 90 degree turn to the right or left, or just moving to the right or left, possibly to go past you. Most often we hear them used when ferries are turning from the main channel into the swashway (and vice-versa) to warn smaller vessels in the area. Just recently though we have started hearing vessels use one blast as a general ‘lookout’ warning.
3 blasts “I am operating astern propulsion”
This does not mean that the vessel is going astern, only that the engines have been put astern. The vessel may be trying to stop, or may go astern once the vessel loses forward way. Mainly we hear this in the harbour as vessels come out of or go into the Camber.
4 blasts “I am a pilot vessel engaged on pilotage duty”, or (depending which manual you read) “I have a pilot on board”.
Not often heard in the harbour area or approaches; you may think it’s meaning is a little vague… possibly it indicates a requirement for priority in movement.
5 blasts “I fail to understand your intentions or actions”, or (again depending on the manual) you “do not understand the approaching boat’s intentions and they need to clarify”, or it signals danger, or “that you do not understand or that you disagree with the other boater’s intentions”.
Bottom line… this signals potential danger and you really need to react if you hear it. Likely you are in the way of a larger vessel. This is the sound signal that the freighter was using in the stray cuddy boat issue above.
The Weird and Wonderful!
As watchkeepers based in Portsmouth harbour entrance, we get the opportunity to see an amazing variety of different vessels......... T he carriers ! Look out for more pictures! Becoming a watchkeeper: If you would like to become a watchkeeper, email the station manager at for more information. Making a donation to Gosport NCI: Text NCIGOSPORT to 70450 to donate £5. Social Media Follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.