Leisure Vessel Survey

Over the last week of August NCI Gosport conducted a survey of leisure vessels using the harbour, counting the various types and they passed the lookout station coming in or going out. You might be surprised (or maybe not...) to learn that in that week there the total number of movements exceeded 4,000. This was just leisure vessels and did not include such things as ferries, fishing boats, pilot boats, or military vessels.

Yachts topped the bill, with motor boats a fairly close second and ribs coming third. Jetskis were represented, but the number was small, and the number of kayaks was smaller still. Here's the full breakdown...

Our fundraiser has pointed out that if we had placed a bucket at the harbour entrance and every vessel had thrown a £1 into it, we could be sure of keeping our lookout service running for many months to come. If you prefer to throw a small sum our way electronically, please visit the donation page on our website https://www.nci.org.uk/stations/donations

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