Visit and Donation !



Our station was visited today by a lovely couple – Derrick and Linda - who very kindly presented us with a substantial donation, having made a collection for NCI at their recent Golden Wedding celebration.  We were delighted to see them (and to accept donation) and in return were very please to present them with our ‘Thank You’ certificate.




Keen sailors, the couple have a catamaran in one of the local marinas; they always call Gosport NCI to do their radio checks, and promise to always give us a wave as they sail past our lookout.  Congratulations on their Golden Wedding Anniversary and we look forward to hearing their calls and seeing them !


Derrick later posted this on Facebook...

"At our Golden wedding anniversary we told our friends and family that we did not want any presents but if they wanted to make a donation we would donate it to a worthy charity and in our view the National Coastwatch institution fits the bill admirably.

So thanks to the generosity of our friends and family today we were given a tour of fort blockhouse and witnessed first hand the importance of what they do and had the honour of donating £250.00 to this fine cause.
Many thanks to all who contributed,
Cheers Del and Linda"

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