Donation 'Thank You'

Following receipt of a generous donation from Wightlink, Watchkeepers at NCI Gosport wanted to present a 'Thank You' certificate to them.

Having turned up at the car ferry terminal in Portsmouth, the team was surprised and delighted to be invited aboard the Wightlink flagship, Victoria of Wight to do the presentation on the bridge to the ships master while en-route to Fishbourne and back . Escorted by Karen Woods, head of Communications and PR, the team met and spoke with Capt A Grocott.

The pictures here show Station Manager Colin Church presenting the framed certificate to Capt Grocott, and also other members of the team - Bev Livermore and DSMs Caroline Hildrew and Richard Suggitt - who were mostly wondering what all the buttons do.

Finally, a friendly wave as we went past the Signal Tower from on-duty Watchkeeper Neil Richardson (who only got slightly damp in the rain). A magnifying glass may be helpful here....

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