Your Generosity Needed To Support NCI.

Following a weekend which on three occasions saw swimmers get into difficulties off the Hot Walls beach and need to be rescued, when all were observed and monitored by NCI Watchkeepers, who on one occasion called a Mayday, it’s time to talk about Watchkeepers.

All NCI Watchkeepers – including those who man the Gosport station - are volunteers. They all give their time freely and without conditions, not only when standing watches, but also when training, doing their annual assessments, and attending monthly training meetings. They do it because they believe that the job is important and worthwhile, and they want to be able to keep on doing it.

To do this they ask one thing of you, and one thing only. Your support

Gosport NCI station receives no public or government funding. Overall it costs at least £3000 a year to keep the station open. At the moment we need to raise an extra £1000 to replace a vital PC.

Your generosity, through your donations, will help us raise this amount and keep the station operating. Please, please visit this page on our web site and make a donation today

On behalf of NCI Watchkeepers, thank you.

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